RCS is excited to announce AudioDisplay, an exciting new product that allows your organization to develop new revenue streams by allowing granular management of text and image advertising content delivered in sync with your audio. RDS and HD Radio advertising campaigns run whenever an ad break is on air. With each campaign supporting technology-specific content, use a short punchy message for RDS receivers and something a little more detailed for HD Radio, and include an image. In this video, we outlined AudioDisplay, examples of how AudioDisplay can help your station, and its tie into Zetta.
AudioDisplay is part of RCS’s new RCS Cloud App portal, allowing users to access different cloud applications from any browser or operating system. Use your local single sign-on and corresponding password to access AudioDisplay from any device, anywhere. Once logged in, you’ll see three subtabs: Campaigns, My Stations, and Groups. My Stations will include your pre-configured stations that can further combined into groups, like custom, market or format, via the Groups subtab. Aside from the basic station metadata information, note the option for RDS Delay (ms) and HD Delay (ms) for precise on-air delivery. Users can also define specific schedules via the My Stations | Shows Assignment Grid and Schedule dropdown.
Remember, AudioDisplay will not only handle your everyday now playing metadata, but it will allow your traffic department to override unused commercial stopsets or spot blocks to feature a specific campaign or multiple campaigns, bringing in a new lucrative revenue stream. Majority of programmers will be spending most of their time in AudioDisplay’s Campaigns subtab, building and maintaining specific campaigns. And yes, treat these campaigns just as you would for any commercial traffic or web advertising. A new campaign features fields like Advertiser, Campaign Name, Time Zone, Flight dates, Radio Text for RDS and/or HD Text Line 1, HD Text Line 2, and custom images to highlight your advertiser on any HD or car radio.
AudioDisplay features unique, dynamic priority control. Campaigns are scheduled to one minute granularity and when multiple stations across time zones are targeted, they can run to a specific or per-station time zone. Priority settings allow overlapping campaigns to automatically prioritize based on your needs. AudioDisplay knows how long a break is. Even when a break is not followed by new data such as song artist & title, advertising is automatically replaced by station or show branding always ensuring commercial content stays where it belongs. Essentially, a Priority 1 campaign will take precedent over a Priority 2 campaign, which will air over a Priority 3 campaign. Let’s say that you have a special weekend fundraising event. In that case, use the Flights Takeover option to override the three priorities. If you have a sporting advertising package, then use the My Station’s Schedule to act as another override, so that your sporting advertiser will display only during specific sporting events.
RCS’s AudioDisplay introduces a new, lucrative advertising revenue steam that will not only pay for itself over a short period, but emphasizes advertisers that are looking for a unique experience to connect their brand with perspective clients. If you’re looking for more information and pricing, please reach out to your local RCS Sales Representative or sales@rcsworks.com for more information.