Zetta is a modern radio automation solution with various types of users across the world. Because it can do so much, sometimes the everyday user doesn’t realize that they can convert that tedious manual task into an automated Zetta workflow, making their lives easier and more efficient. During this video, we discussed how it all starts with asking yourself, “What is your desired outcome?” Once you’ve identified that request, let RCS help guide you to that destination.
Starting with a basic user who wears many programming hats, let Zetta work with you, not against you. Since Zetta is an enterprise solution, a single user can work across multiple stations and with Zetta’s Multi-Track Editor, from the same chair, that user can accomplish various types of tasks, like live on-air to building production elements. Because Zetta’s detached playout allows users to switch layouts without any on-air interruptions, create multiple layouts – one for on-air and another for production. Then, isolate these layouts into macros that are saved within a specific user Hot Keys Bank so they can quickly load and pivot from production work to on-air work and back. Or perhaps you want an easier, giant Play Next trigger – make a macro and include playback controls within a 2×1, very large square, Hot Keys Bank. But don’t stop there! If you know that a specific talent has their own layout and they’re on the air every weekday from 3-7pm, then include that “Open Layout” macro into the clocks so that when you enter the studio, your layout is already loaded, waiting for you.
Speaking of clocks, if there’s a repetitive task, don’t hand insert it every day. Instead, schedule that element or attribute within the clock structure. For example, with Zetta’s live 100% integration with GSelector, any macros you’ve created are instantly available within the GSelector Clocks’ Control dropdown to include within any future schedule. In addition, Exact Time Markers, or ETMs, are no longer just a flat file reference, now they have live real time triggers. If you have a network show or paid programming that ends at 59:30, however, that show is slightly deviating from the default time, don’t make yourself calculate back time, isolate each position and define what piece of audio can be stretched or squeezed. Zetta will stretch/squeeze based on two ETM Markers. So, include a 59:30 ETM, then leave your long form programming and legal ID as unstretched and only define the filler bed as stretchable or squeezable so that despite any floating times, programmers know we’re going to hit the top of the hour exactly at 00:00.
Another example: If a programmer wants their talent to see how their hour is progressing, specifically, how close they are to their final break at 45:00, the programmer can schedule an ETM Hit with a 45:00 time stamp. Zetta will display a time value to the talent to visualize how over or under they are based on that specific time. If they’re over, they know to drop a song and if they’re under, they know to reach out to an administrator for filler music. And don’t forget, users can create unlimited ETMs, macros, spot blocks or clocks, for better granularity. The key is to identify what you want to accomplish. If you wanted your spot block to feature a “Back to the music next” sweeper as the second to last element to play within a break – we can achieve that with GSelector’s Interstitials.
It all starts with identifying what you want to happen. Do you want Zetta to turn on your Wi-Fi coffee pot? We can do that! Just reach out to RCS Support and we can help guide you to your desired outcome. With those manual tedious tasks out of the way, now you’re mentally freeing you and your team to focus on more creative tasks, like podcasting, social media, blogging or live appearances, leaded to much better content for you station. If you can think of it – most likely another programmer shared the same idea and is also achieving your desired outcome.
Don’t forget that there are various amounts of resources to help you and your team. Programmers can always reference our past videos via our RCS Live Archive. If you’re looking for a deeper, better foundational education on RCS products, RCS Academy is here to help! Find out more information here. We’ll be hosting more RCS Lives throughout 2024, as well as hitting the road with RCS Academy. For a full list of events, don’t forget to follow us on our social networks.